Friday, 19 May 2017

Understanding the Use of Flux for Soldering

Flux for solder applications is formulated to effectively remove oxidized metal from a surface being soldered. It should keep oxygen from exacerbating oxidation, and improve the liquid solder’s wetting characteristics, too. Fluxes come in different types. Some are corrosive and require clean up with an absorbent material or a damp sponge after the soldering process to prevent residue from affecting the performance of electronic components. Some fluxes are developed with a no-clean formulation, while others are designed to meet environmental protection and safety regulations.

Environmentally friendly fluxes are ideal for a wave soldering process. The alcohol-based flux for solder ensures defect-free soldering, excellent wetting, and improved throughput across different applications. It can be a suitable alternative to conventional fluxes for a range of assembly types (i.e. I, II, III, and IV) and some are made following the standards of ICP-JSTD-004A and IPC-JSTD-004B.

Flux for soldering is manufactured following a number of standards to help determine the type and its application. Most manufacturers follow the J-STD-004 standard, which describes flux by type (i.e. resin, rosin, inorganic, or organic), as well its activity (fluxing strength) and the residue’s reliability from the standpoint of electromigration and surface insulation resistance.

When choosing flux for solder, keep the soldering process in mind. For instance, in case of wave soldering, consider factors like the alloys being used, whether the process requires cleaning or not, the flux solvent, and the process of wave solder flux application. Moreover, consider company’s minimum requirement for electrical reliability and the maximum permissible IPC activity designation. The application may indicate type of flux that will suit the thickness of the PCB, copper layers, solder pot temperature, in circuit testing with pins, and wave solder contact time. Work with a reputable supplier of flux for solder applications to find the right product for your needs.

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