Friday, 19 May 2017

Dross Recycling – Why Is It Needed

Solder dross is a layer of metal that forms on the smooth surface of molten solder. It occurs naturally as metal oxidizes and acquires impurities due to exposure to the manufacturing environment and to air. Certain types of alloys may reduce solder dross, but it will still form. However, as it is still made of metal, it is not entirely considered as waste. In fact, it can be recycled. Dross recycling is meant to make the metal useful once more for other applications. Advancements and developments in dross recycling technologies have enabled the process to be effective in helping PCB manufacturers reduce their costs.

Environmental protection is among the reasons to consider dross recycling, as it helps minimize landfill contributions. Responsible recycling may protect bottom line, too, especially when working with a reputable dross recycling service provider. Reliable recycling services continuously expand their capabilities and invest in technologies and equipment that can ensure proper recycling processes that will convert high purity raw materials into reusable commodities. Controlled collection and compliance to federal and state regulations enable them to provide high-quality dross recycling services that are safe and effective.

Dross accounts for around 50 percent of bar solder in solder pots, but it can be collected and sent or sold to metal suppliers, or have it made into a solder bar. Recycling specialists can obtain old alloys in solder pots, which still have a bit of old alloy in them. Recycling old alloys will help minimize expenses, unused bar and wire solder can go through recycling, too. Just be sure that they are still within their use-by date. Dross recycling may involve refining the dross in an electrolytical process to obtain the pure metals and transform them into solder bars. The manufacturer will send the finished product for a fee. The purity of reclaimed or recycled metal will be better, unlike in virgin metal.

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